September Birthstone - Sapphire
Sapphire is the beautiful blue birthstone of September and is also present in almost every color including pink, yellow and green.
In the Middle Ages the gem was believed to protect those close to you from harm and also represented loyalty and trust.
Sapphires really are gems of the sky, although they are found in the hard ground of our “blue planet”. Blue is the main color of the sapphire and also the favorite color of some 50 per cent of all people, both men and women alike.
Sapphires are easy to care for at home. Sapphires can be cleaned at home with warm water and a splash of any type of dish or cleaning detergent that has the ability to de-grease. Avoid using anything that has moisturizers, abrasives or anti-static agents, as they will leave a residue and scratch the metal. Scrub gently with a soft toothbrush and rinse well. Dry with a soft cloth. For deeper cleaning, allow the piece to soak for 10 to 20 minutes, and then follow the remaining steps of the above procedure. This process should only be used with sapphires set in gold or platinum as many detergents can react poorly with silver. You can also use any cleaner that is specifically designed for use with jewelry.